Urban Sites
Commercial, industrial and residential sites, even those not immediately adjacent to streams, rivers or coastal waters, have long-term cumulative impacts on fish and other aquatic and terrestrial species. Contaminants, for example, can affect groundwater and are transported through storm drains into rivers and marine waters. Stormwater – including runoff from impervious surfaces – is the largest non-point source of pollution in urban areas!
By adopting Salmon-Safe standards, landowners and property managers help protect salmon habitat and water quality by:
Capturing and infiltrating stormwater on site
Maintaining a buffer of trees and vegetation along stream banks
Restore streams and watercourses where previous development has diverted or buried them
Increasing the use of permeable surfaces to reduce runoff from impervious surfaces
Using integrated pest management techniques to control weeds and pests
Reducing water use through more efficient irrigation and drought-resistant landscaping