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Salmon-Safe Standards

The Salmon-Safe Standards were inspired by more than a decade of work by the Salmon-Safe US Agriculture Project team, who worked with producers to improve their land management practices to mitigate impacts to salmon. Driven by the ecological and market needs they saw in this work, the co-founders of Salmon-Safe put together a multidisciplinary team of scientists, fish biologists, engineers, and academic researchers to develop a set of certification standards that were based on the biological needs of salmon. These standards were then piloted and peer-reviewed by the science and academic community, as well as by US regulatory agencies. A similar review of the US standards was completed in BC before the launch of the Salmon-Safe BC Urban Certification Program in 2013. The BC review team found that the standards were appropriate for the BC context and both the standards were adopted for Salmon-Safe BC.

SS Standards for Urban Development (1).png
Copy of Copy of Copy of Thursday October

Salmon-Safe BC is delivered by the Fraser Basin Council. For more information on the Fraser Basin Council, visit


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